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Living Donor Documentary Film

This documentary will follow the real stories of a few compelling pairs of hopeful recipients and their potential donors, from the moment they begin their journey until after the transplant. These inspiring stories of actual transplant hopefuls will help dispel rumors and fears about the decision to donate.

This undertaking could move the needle on transplantation more than any other endeavor to date. Our director, Artem Agafinov, produced a similar piece on cystic fibrosis called Up for Air, illustrating that he is certainly capable of creating a powerful vehicle to educate the world about the realities of living donation.

The Living Donor Documentary’s potential impact is powerful because it will be shared widely across all platforms and streaming channels. In addition, within the U.S., it will be shared by the nation's school districts as a means to educate thousands of high school seniors nearing donation age. Internationally, it can be translated into various languages to address transplant shortages around the world.

We are currently raising sponsorships for at a minimum of twenty-five thousand dollars, with the sponsors acknowledged for their generosity in the film credits.